About Us
Who We Are
We are a group of civil minded United States citizens organizing to develop a relief non-profit, non-limited liability company, non-trust agreement, non-governmental organization. The Organization will be committed to developing a competent team of volunteers who will coordinate the affairs of the Organization. The Organization mission is to assist in the development of Children about the world. The name of the organization is attributed to the Children in a small village in Northern Ghana.
Our Goals and Objectives
- To solicit and manage donor funds for the benefit of deprived and needy children of the World initializing in Northern Ghana.
- To provide sufficient education and health needs of children in deprived communities of the World.
- To create equitable living standard for all children
- To seek Volunteers of various knowledge, skills and abilities
Our Approach
We believe that populations are responsible for their development. Therefore, it is crucial that they take the lead in shaping their own destiny. Our approach is base on education, because it is like the saying “I give you a fish, I feed you for a day, I teach you to fish, I feed you for life”. We propose to solicit and manage donated funds for the benefit of the deprived and needy Children of the World to educate them in self-preservation. With the assistance Volunteers of various knowledge, skills and abilities, our role is to support that effort through provision of sustainable financial, technical and moral support to communities and families in dehumanizing situation.
Our Management Structure
Our direct philanthropic project implementation is organized in leadership format led by:
- President
- Executive president
- Vice president (coordinator)
- Vice president (Finance and Accounts)
- Office manager
- Administrative secretary
- Board of directors
- Patron and Matron
Our leadership deliberates on policy and strategic issues of GRO and charts the course for the organization.
Our Partners
We hope to develop a partnership base that is worldwide and includes international nonprofit organizations, churches and other religious organizations, national and community based organizations to include philanthropic or charitable entities. These different organizations will have clear and complementary roles in the advancement of the child course. With our partners, we will seek to provide a mix of reciprocal, technical, financial, moral, institutional and organizational aid and advice in our thematic areas.
Alliance for Comprehensive and Intensive Child Development
GRO looks to build a strategic alliance with other charitable, philanthropic and development organizations with the intention of harmonizing our work in the child developmental program. Typical are child philanthropic oriented initiatives in our focus areas. GRO also looks to build a strategic relationship with a sister organization in Tamale , Ghana involved in capacity strengthening to coordinate our efforts and services with local Social Welfare government offices within the surrounding area of Tamale for improved impact in child sponsorship development.
Source of Funding
Our source of funding will emanate from the efforts of many representatives abroad. They present the realities gathered with us on the field to the desktops of donors to take action. GRO also looks to gains funds locally through fund raising programs.
Our Out Look
At this time, GRO realize that 70% to 80% development grants and other social remittances granted to GRO will factor into the operation and paying remunerations or salaries for work initiated to completed projects to promote education and care of Children about the World.
Areas of Our Work